Monday, June 18, 2012

Spiritually Finding Our Common Universal Solution - F.O.C.U.S

We (humanity) must politically unite for any real change to take place from under global Jesuit domination (political genocide) in Commerce, to a debt free sovereign state - Kingdom of Jamaica for the indigenous peoples on the island.

As an island that is full of political upheavals, this is the last intellectual obstacle for escaping mental commercial slavery to Jesuit banksters in the 21st century!

We must let our political nature take its diplomatic course, as indigenous human nature never gave African expatriates in Jamaica, a bankrupt citizenship (political allegiance) to IMF debtor status in this 21st century, these evil an corrupt Jesuits did, and has been in Jamaica since 1838, with institutions for psychological repression (schools, churches, an commercial banks), that teach false commercial education, false doctrines - two natures of Christ, and false inflationary monetary federal reserve system of imf bankruptcy, which keeps humanity under political peonage

but weep not elders, for LOOK!, the L.I.O.N - Liberator In Our Nation, that is of the tribe of Judah in Ethiopia, he has come to diplomatically conquer this IMF Jesuit globalization b.e.a.s.t. (binary electronic accounting surveillance terminal) in Brussels

and who is he who intellectually conquers this bankrupt of human rights commercial world in universal love (obey UN law of Equality), but he who believes that Iyesus is the absolute divine anointed son of the most high Ethiopian Human Rights Lawgiver of righteousness

let us (humanity) diplomatically unite with that which we have sought together, a new dispensation from under post-colonial mental chattel commercial (contractual) slavery in commerce (trade) today; to politically establish a debt free UN Planetary Kingdom of Equality for all

and keep in mind, article one of the divine covenant (UN charter) of fundamental equality for all says that all human beings are free and equal in dignity and rights (indigenous international intellectual property rights); they are endowed with conscience (knowing right from wrong an choosing right), and reason (building towards brighter future) and shall conduct themselves in the Spirit (intelligence) of brotherhood.

Human brotherhood is a sovereign ecclesiastical type of governance, similar to the theocracy we are seeking to establish at the UN treaty organization for human claimants

Without the protecting of article one of the UN charter, NO ONE HAS ANY SOVEREIGN (politically free) DIGNITY IN JESUIT COMMERCE! Humanity is being commercially mistreated and politically destroyed, due to lack of human rights knowledge to peacefully choose a diplomatic alternative, other than more IMF debt obligations upon the people

Again, the people speak of unity, but reject international politics because of this politically backward Jesuit system of things in Commerce, which have turned God-fearing people away from the true human rights law of fundamental equality for all; into a commercial chattel IMF debtor jurisdiction in commerce, that make human beings feel politically small

Repent ye therefore, and renounce the false representation of the defacto queens governor general in commerce; His office position is the political reason that we the people are tacitly (agreement by silence) lost, and mentally enslaved (unlawfully taxed) in a wonderful world of Commerce (trade), for unlawful taxation without human rights representation at the UN treaty organization in Geneva, is a commercial violation that diplomatically causes a new dispensation (free from Global IMF tyranny)

no one voted (will, wish, hope) for a figurehead that cannot negotiate for the peoples international individual human rights an fundamental commercial freedoms to equality in commerce (trade); however, we the people can easily vote him out, by exercising a massive human rights protest, vis-a-vis (face to face) with the defacto ruling party at kings house

We never voted for his representation, we never wanted his misguided conscience, and we never asked for a servant of the queen , to promote an protect our indigenous international individual human rights to equal an fair, FREE international commercial trade for priceless an divine human beings on this planet

so this intellectual cultural evolution must begin where Paul Bogle defeated physical slavery by securing a peace treaty from the British, then Garvey spiritually (intellectually) destroyed religious indoctrination of a standard Roman Christianity, by teaching humanity to see Christ (the Anointed One) within our own Ethiopian spectacles

and now we can sum up all the hard universal struggle for true political freedoms in commerce, by peacefully uniting in collective security under the divine covenant (UN charter) of fundamental equality for all, and diplomatically make this sic unequal fascist commercial system of imf bankruptcy under the p.o.p.e (politically oppressive people enemy), immediately dissolve,,,,,selah!

Up with this global IMF Kingdom of Usury in smoke; and in with a universal human rights hope, in Christ (the Anointed One of Ethiopia)

love an peace always an forevermore in tewahedo (oneness)

Zechariah 6:11b-16
revised by I.N.R.I. - Iyesus Negus Redeeming Is ra el,
our Ethiopian Messiah in Commerce

“‘This is what Emperor Haile Selassie I (Father of the Might - diplomatic strength - of the Triune Elect of God in Ethiopia) of intellectual armies has said: “Here is the man whose name is Sprout. And from his own place in Jamaica, he will diplomatically sprout, and he will certainly build the temple (mind) of Emperor Haile Selassie I (Father of the Might of the Trune Elect of God n Ethiopia).

13 And he himself will build the temple (mind) of Emperor Haile Selassie I (Father of the Might of the Trune Elect of God n Ethiopia), and he, for his part, will carry [the] SACRED DIGNITY of the 1955 Ethiopian constitution (mind an body); and he must diplomatically sit down and politically rule on his Abba Jahnoy's (Father Majesty's) throne in Ethiopia, and he must become an Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo (oneness) Christian priest upon his Abba's (Father's) throne, and the very counsel of universal human rights peace will prove to be between both of them. Abba (Father) and the Wolde (Son).

14 And the grand crown of righteousness (legal an lawful uprightness) itself will come to belong to Luel Ras Mesfin Haile Selassie I(c) - Royal Head Duke of Knowledge of the Might of the Triune Elect of God in Ethiopia, the absolute divine anointed son by adoption of Menfis Qidus (Holy Spirit - Elect of God's intelligence) of Emperor Ras Tafari Makonnen, as a memorial in the temple (mind) of Emperor Haile Selassie I - (Father of the Might of the Trune Elect of God in Ethiopia)).

15 And those who are far away will come and actually build in the temple of Emperor Haile Selassie I - like-minded R.A.S.T.A's - Redeemers And Saviors Towards All.” And humanity will have to know that Emperor Haile Selassie I (Father of the Might of the Trune Elect of God in Ethiopia) of intellectual armies himself has diplomatically sent me to humanity, to promote an protect fundamental commercial freedoms to self determination at the UN treaty organization in Geneva. And it must occur— that humanity will without fail listen to the sovereign voice of Emperor Haile Selassie I YOUR diplomatically living ELect of God in Ethiopia.’”

Atsie - Elect of God in Ethiopia; is a divine title for the Emperors of the Ethiopian Solomonic Dynasty, which is the true order or manner of righteous Christian Kings (Melchezedec - Kings of Righteousness) who we must trust an obey for global political change today

Abba Atsie (Elect of God the Father IN Ethiopia) has sent forth his eternally begotten anointed Son (Wolde Atsie - Elect of God the Son OF Ethiopia), to proceed with the Menfis Qidus (Holy Spirit - Elect of God's intelligence) from the Holy Virgin Mariam (Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Christian Faith) in Jamaica, for an international amnesty (diplomatic pardon) at the UN treaty organization for human claimants;

This is the only diplmatic path for humanity's universal Redemption And Salvation Towards All - R.A.S.T.A,,,,,selah!

Mesfin Haile

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1 comment:

  1. Awake from your commercial (contractual) sleeping in Commerce, and Arise from your political slumber under Jesuit domination (political genocide), for a universal human rights hope in Christ (the Anointed One of Ethiopia) have been spiritually (intellectually) reborn, in human rights faith in the divine covenant (UN charter) of fundamental equality for all. So our political Unity IS humanity's diplomatic strength to appoint an commission our Ethiopian Sage of this 21st century

    for only the Scion of Zion - Heir of Ethiopia, shall diplomatically conquer this bankrupt of human rights commercial world in universal love (obey UN law of Equality)
